Life-changing. It's the one word that best describes the year that was. 2019 has seen me and my family through a lot of things, ups and downs. It's been a real rollercoaster for our family, but I believe that God has a plan and purpose for all the stuff that's happened.
A Heart-breaking Loss
For those who know, we have 2 furbabies in our family. One of them is Dexi, a Maltese-Western Highland Terrier mix. She passed in January due to Ovarian Cancer. The veterinarian said that this is common to female dogs who neither got spayed nor bore puppies. It was heartbreaking. We adopted her when she was 4 years old and she's been with us for more than 4 years.
An Unexpected Addition
We were greeted by an unexpected blessing on the earlier months of 2019, an addition to our family. I don't want to say it was unplanned because we know in our hearts that we wanted Eliana to have a sibling, but let's just say that it came earlier than we expected. So our little family of three soon became a family of four later in the year.
A Good Investment
It was around 2015 when we decided to get a condominium unit and mid 2018 when it was handed over to us. But believe it or not, it was only by mid 2019 when we had the time to furnish and decorate the unit. We were very hands-on with this and took up most of our one-month vacation. As of writing, it is being rented out to a colleague of ours.
This was the year I became a stay-at-home mom, something that I wanted ever since I bacame a mom. It was hard at first and it still is a struggle but I'm learning every single day. By God's grace, I am managing fine, or at least that's what I think.
A New Beginning
With the latest development in our life as a family, the hubster and I decided, with guidance from the Lord, to leave the sandpit and head back home to the Philippines. This was a decision that we did not take very lighty because Qatar has been our home for eight long years. We went there when we were newlyweds and it was the place were our family grew. It was a hard move because we've made real good friends that we consider as family there.
- Friday, January 10, 2020